Monday, February 4, 2008


I have been a huge Star Wars fan ever since I was a child. In fact, I still have several of my childhood Star Wars collectibles. I can probably repeat every single line in every single movie from heart.

This Blog is dedicated to the aliens and creatures of the Star Wars universe. These are not your main characters! You will not find Han Solo, Luke Skywalker or Obi-Wan on this Blog. Instead, I decided to focus on the characters that do not have huge roles. These are the characters in the books, comics, and video games. Some of these characters, however, you have probably seen in the background, or for short periods in the movies (i.e. Tusken Raiders).

I chose to do a Blog because I liked the way it was set up. I like the idea that it is similar to a journal or a diary; where you can go in anytime you want and add new postings and new pictures. I looked at all of the options and decided that the Blog would be the best platform to present the information I wanted to share.

The only problem that I have encountered so far has been minor formatting issues. I had typed the text for one of my posts, however, upon “publishing” the post all of the line spacing had disappeared. I had to go in and retype it a couple of times before it would work the way I wanted it to.

I will be further updating this site over the next few days; so please check back frequently.

Thank you!



Cathy Smyth said...

Hi Jennifer! Your Star Wars blog is so interesting. Me not really being a Star Wars fan, I find that I'm learning a lot with all of the good information you are putting up! Keep Up the good work!

Jennifer said...

Thanks Cathy!!

I appreciate your comment!

I've been such a huge fan for as long as I can remember! I'm enjoying doing the blog & sharing this information with everyone!


Holley said...

Hey Jennifer, I've really enjoyed your blog so far, and i find it amazingly interesting. you've definitely put alot of work into it!!!

I had the same issue as you at one point, where all my line formatting just seemed to dissappear! I eventually just went straight into my html formatting and fixed it myself!

Anyways i had a question for you; and it's the ultimate classic question for any Star Wars fan..

How do you feel about Star

I know alot of people who grew up as big Star Wars fans are very anti-Star Trek and vice versa.

I personally grew up as a "trekkie" but now i'm personally more interested in Star Wars, than Star Trek, and i just wanted to know your opinions on Star Trek and the feud that has taken over the sci-fi world!

Jennifer said...

Hi Holley,

Sorry it took me a couple of days to respond. I've had a nasty flu bug!

Anyway, your right about the rivalry! Star Wars and Star Trek fans have been that way since 1977 when the first installement of Star Wars hit the big screen.

I can honestly say that I love Star Trek as well as Star Wars! They both have excellent qualities.

As for Star Trek, my favorite characters are Data (from Next Generation) and Quark (from DS9).

Althought Star Wars is my absolute favorite! (I actually sat in a line up for 6 hours to get tickets a while ago).

Thank you,
